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We developed a clickable prototype and an engaging video to enhance internal support and excitement for a new digital customer experience.


As part of the long-range effort to drive market share for a customer segment, our client had the challenge of creating and maintaining internal support and momentum for the experience we were building. We had decks to describe the concept, but were concerned that it was hard to picture and understand using only words, and that we weren’t breaking through the noise.


In an effort to effectively break through the internal noise, build excitement and be memorable, we built out both a clickable prototype of the concept and a video to introduce and create excitement about the new customer experience. The video highlighted the customer pain points that we were addressing as well as specific internal business challenges and explained how the solution would solve for all of the problems at once. Both the prototype and the video could be sent via email, but they were also embedded into a communications deck to use during the socialization roadshow.

Value Delivered

  • Video that created excitement about the upcoming changes
  • Clickable prototype to use as a communication tool (and for usability testing)
  • A socialization deck

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